Saturday, November 26, 2005

The Pope's New Vestments

(Actually posted on 27 November 2005, but backdated to reflect date of event)

(AP Photo)

On Free's Religion Forum, a thread about Pope Benedict XVI's leading the First Vespers of Advent (the first of his papacy) pointed out the pontiff's new vestments, which were apparently designed by Archbishop Marini. A poster with the handle "Kolokotronis" (who happens to be Greek Orthodox) remarked, "Magnificent vestments; what an epitrachelion! [stole] He really looks like a hierarch should!" The same poster pointed out that the clasp for the pope's cope is a "representation of the breast plate of the High Priest of the Temple at Jerusalem" (which is entirely appropriate, in my opinion, since the origin of the title "pontiff" is from the Latin pontifex maximus, which can mean "high priest"). However, the commentators at Cornell (University) Society for a Good Time give the vestments a big thumbs-down.

I posted the picture above for the benefit of those in cyberspace who might have missed this event (and I figure most people didn't see it). Check the Free Republic link above for more pictures.


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