Friday, October 02, 2009

One Way to Remember Your Guardian Angel

The Church in the West's feast day for our guardian angels is on 2 October. Here's one prayer from the Christian East that I recently found that really struck me.

Russian Icon of a Guardian Angel, taken from St. George Books

Byzantine Prayer to the Guardian Angel

Holy Angel, overseer of my wretched soul and miserable life, do not abandon me a sinner, do not desert me because of my inconstancy; leave no place for the evil demon to obtain dominion over me by gaining control of this mortal body; strengthen my wretched and feeble hand, and guide me into the way of salvation. Yea, O Holy Angel of God, guardian and protector of my wretched soul and body, pardon me all things whereby I have saddened thee all the days of my life, and whatever sins I have committed this day; shelter me in the coming night and protect me from every abuse of the adversary, that I may not anger my God by any sin; and intercede for me to the Lord, to strengthen me in His fear, and show me to be a worthy servant of His goodness. Amen.

[Taken from Free Republic Religion Forum: The 12 most important things to know about angels.]


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