Prayer For the Reign of the Sacred Heart (On the Feast of Holy Michael the Archangel)
(The above video was found on the Rorate Caeli blog: Crisis? What Crisis? The beast was slain)
"O Mary Immaculate, great Queen of Heaven and earth and our gentle advocate, deign, we beseech thee, to intercede for us. Ask God to send St. Michael and the holy Angels to war of all the obstacles contrary to the reign of the Sacred Heart in our souls, our families, our country, and in the whole world. And thou, O holy Michael, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, from our hearts we beg thee to come to our aid. Defend us against the rage of Satan, and through the divine power bestowed upon thee by God, after securing victory for the Church here below, guide souls to our eternal home. Amen."
"St. Michael, First Champion of the Kingship of Christ, pray for us!"