Dignare Me Laudare Te, Virgo Sacrata

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Novena to the Sacred Heart

[Friday May 30 was the Feast of the Sacred Heart in 2008, and the month of June is traditionally dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The following novena is taken from a post at the America Needs Fatima blog. It's often written that "Padre Pio recited this novena every day for all those who requested his prayers" (as related on EWTN's website).]

O my Jesus, Thou didst say: "Amen, I say to you, ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you."

Hence I knock, I seek, and I ask for the grace of...

Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be...

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in Thee!

O my Jesus, Thou didst say: "Amen, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in My name, He will give unto you." Hence I ask the Father, in Thy name, for the grace of...

Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be...

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in Thee!

O my Jesus, Thou didst say: "Amen, I say to you, heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away." Encouraged by Thy infallible words, I now ask for the grace of...

Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be...

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in Thee!

Let us pray:

Sacred Heart of Jesus, for Whom one thing alone is impossible, namely, not to have compassion on the afflicted, have pity on us miserable sinners and grant us the grace we ask of Thee, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Thy tender Mother and ours.

Hail Holy Queen...

Saint Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us!
Heart of Jesus, rich unto all that call upon Thee, have mercy on us!
Heart of Jesus, salvation of those who hope in Thee, have mercy on us!

Consecration to The Sacred Heart

Jesus Christ, I recognize Thee as the King of the universe. Thou art the Author of all creation. Exercise over me all Thy rights. Renew in me those promises that I solemnly made in my baptism, rejecting Satan with all his works and pomps. O Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the omnipotent intercession of Thy Most Holy Mother, I offer Thee all of my poor works and actions so that men might recognize Thy Sacred Royalty and reign that Thou dost desire to establish throughout the whole universe.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

"Mater Nostra" (Our Mother)

"In heaven Mary remains always in the presence of her Divine Son. There she is continually praying on behalf of sinners."

-St. Bede, Benedictine monk and Doctor of the Church, quoted on What the Saints Say About the Blessed Virgin Mary

[The above image of the Blessed Virgin Mary with the Christ Child was taken on 17 April 2008 at St. Anselm's Monastery in Washington, DC. It's in a devotional "station" outside the Benedictine monks' chapel.]

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

"O Mary, my dear Mother, how much I love thee! And yet in reality how little! Thou dost teach me what I ought to know, for though teachest me what Jesus is to me and what I ought to be for Jesus. Dearly beloved Mother, how close to God thou art, and how utterly filled with Him! In the measure that we know God, we remind ourselves of thee. Mother of God, obtain for me the grace of loving my Jesus; obtain for me the grace of loving thee!"
-Raccolta, 1957 edition, #352

A belated Happy Mother's Day to the Mother Most Pure, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and may she be our "Star of the Sea" for the rest of our lives!