Martyrology for August 31

The above image is taken from All Saints blog.
[The following is the entry for the Thirty-First Day of August from the English translation of the 1962 edition of The Roman Martyrology, edited by Canon J.B. O'Connell.]
"St. Raymund Nonnatus, of the Order of our Lady of Random for the Redemption of Captives, Cardinal and Confessor. His birthday [in heaven] is commemorated on August 26."
"In Tuscany at Monte Senario, the birthday of St. Bonajuncta, Confessor, and one of the seven founders of the Order of the Servants of the Blessed Virgin Mary; while he was preaching to the brethren about the Lord's Passion, he gave up his soul into the hands of the Lord. His festival with that of his companions is kept on February 12."
"At Trier, the birthday of St. Paulinus, Bishop; in the time of the Arian heresy he was exiled by the Arian Emperor Constantius on account of the Catholic faith. Wearied out by constantly changing the place of his exile until the day of his death, in places far beyond the Christian lands, he finally received from the Lord the crown of such blessed suffering, and died in Phrygia."
"At Trassaco on Lake Fucino in the Abruzzi, the birthday of the holy martyrs [Sts.] Caesidius, Priest, and his companions, who were crowned with martyrdom in the persecution of Maximin."
"Likewise, SS. Robustian and Mark, Martyrs."
"At Caesarea in Cappadocia, SS. Theodotus, Rufina and Ammia; the first two of these were the parents of St. Mamas the Martyr, to whom Rufina gave birth in prison and whom Amnia educated."
"At Auxerre, St. Optatus, Bishop and Confessor."
"In England, St. Aidan, Bishop of Landisfarne; St. Cuthbert (of whom mention is made on March 20), who was then a shepherd-boy, saw his soul being borne up into heaven. He forthwith left his flock and became a monk."
"At Nusco, St. Amatus, Bishop."
"At Athens, St. Aristides, a man most renowned in faith and wisdom; he offered a book on the Christian religion, which set forth the grounds for our beliefs, to the Emperor Hadrian, and, in the presence of the emperor himself, he maintained with great eloquence that Jesus Christ alone is God."