Martyrology for June 30

Painting of St. Paul, taken from Prayers and Devotion to St. Paul
[The following is the entry for the Thirtieth Day of June from the English translation of the 1962 edition of The Roman Martyrology, edited by Canon J.B. O'Connell.]
"The Commemoration of St Paul the Apostle [who, according to the entry for the Twenty-Ninth Day of June, suffered...under the Emperor Nero....[He] was slain with the sword, and buried...on the Via Ostiensis.]."
"At Rome, St Lucina, a disciple of the Apostles, who disposed of her goods for the needs of the saints, visited the Christians kept in prison, and cared for the burials of the martyrs, near to whom she was buried in a tomb she herself had built."
"In the same city, St. Emiliana, Martyr."
"On the same day, the holy martyrs Caius, Priest, and Leo, Subdeacon."
"At Alexandria, the passion of St Basilides, under the Emperor Severus. Having protected St Potamiaena, Virgin, whom he led to her torture, from the insults of shameless men, he received from her the reward of his religious service; she appeared to him after three days, and placing a crown on his forehead, not only converted him to Christ, but also made him by her prayers a glorious martyr after he had suffered in a brief combat."
"At Limoges in Aquitaine, St Martial, Bishop, with two priests, Alpinian and Austriclinian, whose life shone brightly with signs and miracles."
"In the Vivarais, France, St Ostian, Priest and Confessor."
"At Salanigo in the district of Vicenza, St Theobald, Priest and Hermit, one of the Counts of Champagne. On account of his renowned holiness and miracles Pope Alexander III inscribed him on the list of Saints."