Monday, October 04, 2004

A Little Bit About Myself

Before I start writing about more serious subjects, I thought I should introduce myself.

My name is Matthew. I am a 24 year old traditionalist Catholic in the United States of America. I grew up in the state of Delaware, but I now live in northern Virginia. I work in nearby Washington, DC for a conservative organization.

Ethnically speaking, I come from a mixed background. My dad is originally from the Phillipines. He came here in 1975, and married my mom in 1977. My maternal grandmother was born in what is now Poland, and was ethnically Polish. My maternal grandfather was half German and half mixed European, mainly Scot-Irish, and Cornish. So this makes me mixed. But I am 100% American.

I was baptized Catholic, shortly after my birth on 4 July 1980. My mom is a devout Catholic, and she, along with my father, taught me about our faith during my early years. I went to Catholic schools for most of my primary and secondary education. Even with this background, I didn't start the process of truly living my faith until the summer of 2002. I discovered the Divine Mercy devotion then, and as my prayer life became more devout, I was lead to traditionalist Catholicism. I attended my first Traditional Latin Mass in June 2003 at Old St. Mary's Church. It was a culture shock at first, but I quickly grew to love this liturgy. I now serve at the monthly Solemn High Mass, and sing with the Gregorian chant schola.

I will share more about myself as I get my blog started.


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