Friday, August 15, 2008

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Michel Sittow, Assumption of the Virgin Mary

"It is right and just, O Almighty God, that we duly give Thee great thanks... on this most venerable day... whereon the Virgin Mother of God passed from this world to Christ. She knew no corruption in life, no dissolution in the tomb; for she was free from all stain of sin, glorious by her divine Offspring; and being set free by her Assumption, she was made Queen of Paradise for her dower. Ever a spotless Virgin, she was filled with joy by the fruit of her womb. She knew no pain in childbirth, no sorrow in death. Her life and her death were above the laws of nature. She was the loveliest of bridal chambers whence came forth the the noblest of bridegrooms, He who is the light of the nations.... She was a vessel of light, a tabernacle of glory, a heavenly temple...."

- Prayer from the ancient Gallican Missal, as quoted by Dom Prosper Guéranger in his entry in The Liturgical Year for 15 August in Volume XIII of the 1983 Marian House edition of the English translation by the Benedictines of Stanbrook

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